- tranquilizer
- успокаивающее средство
Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. Орлов Д.В.. 2000.
Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. Орлов Д.В.. 2000.
Tranquilizer — Tran quil*i zer, Tranquillizer Tran quil*li zer , n. One who, or that which, tranquilizes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tranquilizer — index narcotic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
tranquilizer — (n.) sedative, 1824 (first reference is to ground ivy), agent noun from TRANQUILIZE (Cf. tranquilize); in reference to one of a large group of anti anxiety drugs, it is recorded by 1956 … Etymology dictionary
tranquilizer — or tranquillizer [trang′kwəlī΄zər, tran′kwəlīz΄ər] n. a person or thing that tranquilizes; esp., a depressant drug, as Valium or Librium, used as a calming agent in relieving and controlling various emotional disturbances, anxiety neuroses,… … English World dictionary
Tranquilizer — Als Tranquillanzien bzw. Tranquilizer (lat. tranquillare = beruhigen) wird eine Gruppe von Psychopharmaka zusammengefasst, die angstlösend (anxiolytisch) und entspannend (sedierend) wirken. Als synonyme Begriffe gelten Anxiolytika (lat. anxius =… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tranquilizer — In pharmacology, a drug that calms and relieves anxiety. The first tranquilizer, chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride (brand name: Librium) received FDA approval in 1960. Tranquillizers range in potency from mild to major, with increasing levels of… … Medical dictionary
Tranquilizer — Sedativum (fachsprachlich); Beruhigungsmittel * * * Tran|qui|li|zer 〈[træ̣ηkwılaızə(r)] m. 3〉 beruhigendes Arzneimittel; Sy Ataraktikum [<engl. tranquilize „beruhigen“] * * * Tran|qui|li|zer [ træŋkwɪlaɪzə[r]; engl. tranquilize = beruhigen… … Universal-Lexikon
Tranquilizer — [Nerven]beruhigungsmittel; (ugs.): Nervenmittel; (Jargon): Downer; (Med., Pharm., Psychol.): Mitigans, Neuroleptikum, Sedativum, Temperantium, Tranquillans. * * * Tranquilizer,der:⇨Beruhigungsmittel Tranquilizer→Beruhigungsmittel … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
tranquilizer — noun a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑tranquillizer, ↑tranquilliser, ↑antianxiety agent, ↑ataractic drug, ↑ataractic agent, ↑ataractic • Derivationall … Useful english dictionary
tranquilizer — /trang kweuh luy zeuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that tranquilizes. 2. a drug that has a sedative or calming effect without inducing sleep. 3. See antianxiety drug. 4. antipsychotic (def. 2). Also, tranquillizer. [1790 1800; TRANQUILIZE + ER1] *… … Universalium
tranquilizer — also tranquillizer noun Date: 1800 1. one that tranquilizes 2. a drug used to reduce mental disturbance (as anxiety and tension) compare antipsychotic … New Collegiate Dictionary